An (AC n , V n ) architecture where the different application components are based on software from different vendors is commonly denoted as “best-of-breed,” pointing to the fact that the hospital combines the “best” software products from different vendors. @en |
142 xsd:positiveInteger
bb:chapter6-5 ↪ Logical Tool Layer: Integration of Application Components |
bb:ACnStyle ↪ ACn Style bb:DBnStyle ↪ DBn Style bb:VnStyle ↪ Vn Style |
meta:EntityType ↪ entity type |
Best-of-Breed-Architecture @en معماری بهترین نژاد @fa | |
bb:ArchitecturalStyleOfTheLogicalToolLayer ↪ Architectural Style of the Logical Tool Layer |
inverse relations
sniko:bb ↪ Health Information Systems Ontology |