System of Concepts rdf:type meta:EntityType↪ entity type rdfs:label System of Concepts @en سیستم مفاهیم @fa inverse relations is ov:defines of sniko:bb↪ Health Information Systems Ontology is rdfs:subClassOf of bb:Atc↪ ATC bb:Classification↪ Classification bb:ClassificationOfDiagnoses↪ Classification of Diagnoses bb:ClassificationOfProcedures↪ Classification of Procedures bb:Drg↪ DRG bb:ICD10↪ ICD10 bb:Icd↪ ICD bb:Icpm↪ ICPM bb:Loinc↪ LOINC bb:Nanda↪ NANDA bb:Nic↪ NIC bb:Noc↪ NOC bb:Nomenclature↪ Nomenclature bb:NursingClassification↪ Nursing Classification bb:Saps↪ SAPS bb:Snomed↪ SNOMED bb:Tiss↪ TISS bb:Umls↪ UMLS is skos:closeMatch of he:Begriffssystem↪ System of Concepts